Environmental Policy

KHB Group is committed to minimizing the environmental impact of its operations and understands the importance of conserving natural resources. We shall strive to promote environmental improvements whenever practical that will ensure a sustainable future.

In protecting the environment and enhancing biodiversity we shall undertake the following:

  •   Operate within the framework of statutory and regulatory requirements or relevant laws, RSPO, ISCC and MSPO certification principles and criteria;
  •   Implement zero burning on all oil palm cultivation activities;
  •    All precautions are followed for Safe use of agrochemicals in plantation and mill activities;
  •   Act in accordance with current plantation industry approaches;.
  •   Manage the organisation to reduce its environmental impact and GHG emissions;
  •   Apply considered planning and appropriate resourcing to the protection of the community and environment from potential adverse impacts of environmental change resulting from our plantation activities;
  •   Educating and enhancing awareness pertaining to protection of the environment and biodiversity of all related stakeholders through regular trainings and communication.


Approved By :

Datuk Freddy Lim Nyuk Sang

Chief Executive Officer

2 January 2018